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INdustry: My route into marketing - Adam Savva

Our Social Content Art Director, Adam Savva, is sharing how he got into the industry...


Adam Savva



As The Arts Depot in Finchley dimmed its lights, I heard the audience applaud from the stage and decided then and there: I want to be an actor...

Drama had always been my favourite subject in school and this performance - James Graham's ‘Bassett’ - cemented my love for theatre.

Then one day, I took it further and wrote a script. It may well have been the worst piece of work to grace this earth. Excessively dramatic, cheesy, and too graphic.

But I loved crafting narratives. After dozens of failed scripts, I finally wrote one I believed in and decided to bring it to life. This led to trying my hand at directing (a love) and producing (a hate).

 I continued to explore creativity and film at school (admittedly, not so much in lesson time – sorry teachers) and began to find my path as a storyteller through acting, writing and directing.

After school, I knew I wanted to start working rather than going to university, because I wasn't a major fan of the university model and the notion that every job required a degree -ANY degree - even if it had no relevance to the job itself. I was determined to prove everyone wrong.

I started making music videos for friends and peers, creating spec ads in my room for products and brands I wanted to work with, editing videos using stock footage, writing more scripts, taking more classes - anything and everything that taught me about the life of a creative person.

I got a role as a runner and spent a couple of months learning about film, while continuing to create other content. Then, BAM - the dreaded virus that shall not be named appeared.

I was out of a job, out of money, and annoyed that I hadn’t gone to university. But after a brief period of boredom, I continued pushing myself to learn and try new things and I landed my first full-time job as a video editor. Loved it. Then wanted more.

After a year or so, I transitioned into producing. Why did I think that was a good idea when I knew I didn't enjoy it at school? But I knew I wanted to create. To generate ideas. 

 Eventually, I landed in the creative world as a Mid-Weight Creative, crafting ideas for brands on social media. REALLY loved it.  And this journey led to my current role – Social Content Art Director at IMA.

 Me? Pitch an idea. To You? Oh, You Like it? You want me to write it up? Great! I'll direct it for you. And you liked that too?! Ah, heavenly.

Throughout my career as a ‘creative thinker’ (easiest way to explain it to my friends and family), I've been privileged to meet so many amazing individuals and experience many diverse viewpoints. This has helped me fine tune the art of storytelling.

As whether through social, video, stills, ‘story’ is at the heart. I love getting a reaction from a real person - making them laugh, cry, or teaching them something. 

So here’s to more stories, crazier ideas and bigger achievements.


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