A bread brand on the rise
Helping Jacksons beat the competition with our Secret Summer campaign.

Real truth
/ 03
Jacksons is a bread brand on the rise. The fastest growing in the UK.
But their Bloomer range is up against established household names like Warbutons and Hovis. Consumer habits are hard to break. People buy what they know and like. We just needed them to try Jacksons Bloomin' Both and the wider 800g Bloomer range.
Real connection
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We let parents in on a secret about Bloomin' Both. One their kids didn’t need to know.
It’s undercover brown bread, helping mums and dads get good food into their kids. Our Secret Summer Campaign played this message out across Jacksons social channels. With six influencers sharing secret sandwich recipes and ideas for off-the-beaten path family fun like hidden picnic spots. Creating a wholesome celebration of ‘hidden goodness’.

Real results
/ 03
Jacksons is now the best performing bread brand on social.
From here, we can drive sales and build long-term advocacy.