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Gender Pay Gap Report

As a business of over 200 people, we are required by law to publish our gender pay gap data. Although our results mirror that of our industry we recognise we need to make improvements and become a champion within this area.

We have been working hard to make changes and have recently made some key strides forward in improving our gender pay gap, which will reflect in our results going forward.

Gender Pay Gap 2023

What IMA are doing to improve

Our Commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At the end of 2022, our dedicated ED&I steering group, IMA &Me, launched.

IMA &Me pledges to proactively create safe spaces for everyone at IMA, on a global and local scale. Designing policies and structures that create real world difference. Celebrating everyone's real, whole, authentic self. Challenging ourselves to achieve real growth and be accountable allies, placing specific focus on:

  • Women
  • Parents and Carers
  • Social Mobility
  • Neurodiversity and Disability
  • Race and Ethnicity


Over 50% of our agency is made of women and in early 2023, we restructured our Senior Management team, meaning women now make up 70% of our Board. We continue to champion and support women to progress into leadership roles.

IMA Academy

In 2023 we launched our IMA Academy, which includes leadership, mentoring and coaching programmes to support women in career progression. It also includes our Agency Academy programme which is designed for junior team members to fast track their knowledge and experience.

Future Talent

Investing in future talent remains a key focus for us. We are involved in several programmes and partnerships that help to support the attraction and development of diverse employees, recognising that improving our future talent pipeline is key to driving long-term change parameters. These include:

  • Upriser – An industry specific, long-term partnership specifically designed to support people from disadvantaged backgrounds with education and creative careers.
  • Employment and Skills Leeds – A government initiative supporting people from all backgrounds and abilities into employment.
  • Apprentices and Placements – Working with local schools and colleges to ensure we attract and retain a diverse workforce.

An Advantage Smollan Company

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  • Gender Pay Gap Response