The Malthouse, Chadwick Street, Leeds LS10 1LJ
Welcome to Leeds
Welcome to Leeds
Located right on Leeds Dock, The Malthouse is the epicentre of IMA. If you’re ever in the area, look for the big red bus and come aboard for a beer or a brew. Historically, the Docks were another cog in the industrialisation of the North, built to speed up the process of moving goods and materials - especially coal - along the waterways. These days, our converted 18th-century brewery building is part of a thriving creative and digital hub.

Meet Adam Reynolds, Associate Creative Director in Leeds
"Why sound like all the other brands people already ignore? If your competitors are doing it, that's your opportunity to run hard in the opposite direction."
"Why sound like all the other brands people already ignore? If your competitors are doing it, that's your opportunity to run hard in the opposite direction."
Adam Reynolds
Associate Creative Director, IMA